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Letter Templates
Writing To Pollies
Click Button below to open up an example in word of a letter you can customise to send to your local pollitician.

Writing To Media
Click Button below to open up an example in word of a letter you can customise to send to your local media.

Contact Information
Click Button below to open the page of contacts for your federal politicians.
You can also find State reps: Here>>>

Step 1
A) Type on a word doc what you want to say.
Put ‘Dear’ at the top left of page.
B) Use templates below if helpful for you.
C) Remember to include your name, address (Suburb, State & Postcode) and contact phone number plus a no conflict of interest statement at the bottom of the page.

Step 2
Find a Member or Senator you wish to address your letter to.

Step 3
Select the envelope logo under the pollitician you wish to send your letter to.
Copy/paste the text from your word doc into the main body of the email.
After ‘Dear’ address the person exactly as their full name and title appears on the site
Don't forget to add a subject!
Then send!

Write To Pollies In
3 Easy Steps