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Quit Stories Continued...

Quitting smoking can be a difficult journey.

Smokers are told information from all sorts of places about what are the best ways or the worst ways to quit.

So how do smokers cut through the confusion and determine how to get to the "holy grail" of quitting for good? 

The same approach doesn't work for everyone, so I have sourced some Australians who are willing to share how they quit smoking for good. 

Sharing your stories is important to help policy makers know from grass roots level what is really happenning. 

If you have a quit smoking experience you would care to share, please don't hesitate to send it to me along with your favourite pastime you now enjoy since quitting smoking. 

Yacht Deck

Steve's Story

We can't show Steve's face because as a vaper he could be subjected to vilification comments by professional vape haters. 

Instead this is a picture of Steve's favourite pastime he can now enjoy since quitting smoking, sailing. 

"I asked her if I could try it, took a puff, and NEVER smoked again from that moment on."

David's Story

David has chosen to show his face because as he said

"I am not afraid of any backlash". 


"My latest x-rays I had on my chest showed my lungs had cleared up!"

Running Shoes

Gillian's Story 

We can't show Gillian's face because as a vaper she could be subjected to vilification comments by professional vape haters. 

Instead this is a picture of Gillian's favourite pastime she can now enjoy since quitting smoking, running. 

"I started jogging after I quit smoking and love it."

Marie's Story

We can't show Marie's face because as a vaper she could be subjected to vilification comments by professional vape haters. 

Instead this is a picture of one of Marie's favourite pastimes she can now enjoy more since quitting smoking, gardening. 

"I can now enjoy running, gardening and being able to spend time with our grandchildren"

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