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Writer's picturePippa Starr


Updated: Sep 9, 2021

By Pippa Starr

September 9, 2021

The fact that Australia’s Health minister was wasting time hectically debating vaping within his cabinet when he should have been saving Australian lives being lost to Covid19 is nothing short of appalling!

It was made known publicly yesterday via FOI, in June 2020 Greg Hunt had Pfizer beating down his door to help Australia get dibs on the initial and all-important

roll-out of their new Covid19 vaccine,

but where the hell was our Health Minister Greg Hunt?

While Australia was going into a crisis where many were dying and going out of business from the awful Covid19 virus, where was he?

Was Greg up in the clouds?

At the same time, he was busy trying to rush through an order with the attorney general’s office to try and get nicotine imports for vaping banned.

Not one person has died because of vaping nicotine, in fact it’s an at least 95% safer than smoking quit method that is helping over half a million Australian adults live longer lives.

There is no eloquent way of putting this.

Greg Hunt stuffed up the vaccine roll-out big time!

The fact that Australia’s Health minister was wasting time hectically debating vaping within his cabinet when he should have been saving Australian lives being lost to Covid19 is nothing short of appalling!

How many lives could have been saved and how soon the initial vaccine roll-out could of taken place will now be forever an unknown quantity, but you can count on that there was a dam good chance many lives were taken too early due to this bungle!

The information gathered under FOI yesterday, clearly showed on June 30, 2020 Pfizer were trying to organise a meeting with the health minister.

At that time Greg was busy cleaning up the carnage from a revolt against him from 28 of his own LNP cabinet, that were all against his sudden action against nicotine vaping imports.

Greg was racing the clock to get nicotine import bans stopped after initializing them in the first place, to save face within his own party on June 30, 2020.

It’s now very clear that Greg wasn’t focused on saving lives on two fronts.

It’s now even clearer that he doesn’t only have his face to save, but also his career!

Lives were no doubts unnecessarily lost and many businesses have gone under due to this highly inappropriate mis-handling of the vaccine roll-out. It’s even more clear now than ever before that Greg Hunt should resign before he does Australia more damage!

Yet he still hasn’t given up his focus on banning nicotine vaping, although it helps many smokers quit. This is clearly evident from the ludicrous new laws being put into place from October 1, 2021.

Australians importing nicotine for vaping without a prescription will be bankrupted by border fines of $220000. These measures will force an estimated over 200000 Australians back to smoking again!

The roll-out of that policy appears to be in tatters as well,

as hardly any vapers or prescribing doctors are aware of this new measure.

Again it shows another clear disregard by a Health minister that lacks focus but supported by a prime minister where his “it’s not a race” mantra has again destabilized positive health outcomes for Australian's even further!

This lack of focus on health is costing lives and our economy!

Regardless, if you are an Australian who doesn’t gives two hoots about vapers or not, this should make your blood boil!


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