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Writer's picturePippa Starr


This is what is important now.

With so much excrement & misinformation being regurgitated from nefarious people leeching on our government money, the challenge as a vaping advocate & speaker of truth, is now to educate the masses!

As vapers and their suportive families and advocates, we must educate others so smokers and vapers no longer become misinformed & mistreated!

There are 2 reasons why Australian Govts are cracking down on vapes.

1/ To protect the youth – yet it is already illegal. A black market doesn’t care who they supply to!

2/ To avoid a gateway to smoking. This has been debunked!

"Yet Tobacco purchases rise following restrictions on e-cigarette sales", says Yale!

The Australian Govt. wants vapers to get a prescription for an overpriced and often unsuitable small range of products, yet blind Freddy can see that subjecting laws like that to a consumer product will fail, and has failed 3 times over the last decade or more!

The vapes sold at chemists are clearly not suitable for all vapers and doctors aren’t educated enough to know what they prescribing, that is if they prescribe at all!……

Warnings of illicit vapes and black market emergence were ignored.…

Instead, what end up happening was bad policy that saw smoking rates stagnate while black markets thrived selling disposable vapes that don’t do our environment any favours.

They said that Australians should only quit their way, but Australians weren’t buying that.…

First nations people are being left behind as their smoking rates triple the national average. The health Minister throws away millions of taxpayers money for little if any result.…

Australian’s can see clearly that over the ditch in NZ there is far better treatment of vaping and they are smashing ahead of Australian smoking rates.…

Yet still the Australian Govt refuses to listen, putting Australian vapers in even more dangerous situations. Like this:…

It’s enough to spark a mental health crisis!…

What or who caused this mess? “A bunch of unelected overpaid NGO's leeching taxpayers money have created a racket whereby they benefit with millions of dollars while disguised as as a "Quit Industry", when really they are an "Anti Quit Industry" that relies on smoking being a problem and vaping to be perceived as one to keep the flow of public funds coming into their pockets!”…

Most of these people making decisions on vaping have clear conflicts of interests.…

They meet in closed environments with the Health minister and shut out anyone with reasonable scientific viewpoints that oppose their ideology.…

Legitimate legal specialist vape store owners and staff have been left to go broke with no supports from Govt.…

A few will stand firm but are still subjected to threatening situations from the opposing black market.……

The black market turf wars over the last year have seen executions, fire bombings near homes, community centres and childcare centres and worse. Yet this is meant to be the result of good policy?…

Australian’s have had enough!

Bad Govt policy has caused this shit show!

A non-risk proportionate approach along with prohibition is like adding petrol to a firebomb.

I along with many Vaping consumers have been accused as being shills for big tobacco, when the reality is, we just want a sensible, affordable and legal pathway off cigarettes to happen!

This Govt caused a rise in interest in teen vaping and a barely enforced illicit supply channel for them to buy them from. They taught them how to vape & where to buy them! As seen in the video here:…

Yet they expect us adult vapers to suffer! Over 28000 of us in less have sent a clear message to Canberra!……

If they refuse to listen, and don't action repeals, things will get worse! That’s not a threat, that’s just the reality of this preventable situation!


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