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Gym Workout

Adam's Story

Hi my name is Adam.

I have now been smoke free for 6 years. 

I became smoke free by switching to vaping. 


"Since quitting smoking for good I walk 5 kilometres a day to work and back and have no problem running up and down stairs."

Adam's Full Quit Story

I am 48 years old and father to 4 kids.

I had been a smoker since the age of 14.

After numerous attempts at quitting over the years, my partner and I after the birth of my 3rd child decided that after all other methods had failed (cold turkey, Champix, patches, Nicobate etc) we decided to give vaping a go.

After the first time we tried in 2018, neither of us have lit a cigarette since.

We used an open refillable tank style device legally imported from the US as it was at the time.

Taking a step further, my partner completely ended her relationship with Nicotine in 2021 by reducing the level of nicotine in the e-liquid gradually over time.

She has been vape (and tobacco) free since then, completely under her own volition and without medical intervention or advice.


Myself, I still use a vape occasionally but not regularly and with zero or near zero nicotine.

While I declare myself free from nicotine dependance I still use it sparingly for it's mild stimulant and caffeine-like effects.


 Since quitting tobacco I have rejoined a gym, doing spin classes, pump classes and weight lifting 3 times a week.

I walk 5 kilometres a day to work and back and have no problem running up and down stairs.

It's fair to say that vaping has been a life-changing product and I would strongly encourage any long-term smoker to consider making the switch to a provably less harmful alternative.

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